Sunday 24 December 2017

Process dump the attacker using logstash

Use linux "auditd" to monitor /etc/passwd file and generate a key "password_access".

$ sudo apt install auditd
$ auditctl -w /etc/passwd -p wa -k passwd_access

Force logstash core dump any process that causes auditd to write the "password_access" key.

Install gdb (gcore):
sudo apt install gdb

Modify the output section of your /etc/logstash/conf.d/00-output.conf:

output {
  if [key] == "password_access" {
      stdout {codec => json}
      exec { command => "gcore -o /tmp/dump-%{@timestamp} %{pid}"}

Tuesday 19 December 2017

Why you should not run multiple anti-virus products

I liked the advice from Emsisoft Anti-virus about why you should not run multiple anti-virus products.

* Potential conflicts/incompatibility issues

Modern anti-virus/anti-malware software acts like an extra protection layer that sits between the base of the operating system and the apps/programs that run on it. Developing this type of software is always challenging and requires many years of experience.Protection programs are created in different ways and it may cause unexpected crashes or freezes that are very difficult to resolve.

* Who will quarantine first

Since anti-virus products have real-time scanning enabled, it's a race between multiple anti-virus programs about quarantining potential malicious download/file scan and this may give unexpected results/errors.

* High resource usage

Since number of viruses/malwares are growing exponentially, size and complexity of anti-virus programs is also correspondingly growing and these now consume lot of CPU/storage resources. The situation will be further compounded if you use multiple anti-virus products.

So, in nutshell, avoid installing multiple anti-virus/anti-malware products as it’s not worth it. If you are happy with existing anti-virus software, stick with it.If you are unhappy with it, un-install it and then install a new one.

Ref -
* Don't run multiple anti-virus products -
* Latest independent tests of anti-virus products -

Sunday 10 December 2017

Fix "this webpage has a redirect loop" error in browser

On a daily basis, Internet as a whole suffers from many problems and one such problem that is sometimes encountered is

"The webpage has a redirect loop"

The other times, the redirect error manifests itself with the following details:


As a result, every time you visit Gmail page in Firefox/Chrome, the redirection loop will prevent access to it.

When Chrome or Firefox starts complaining about redirect loops just do three things:

1) Check the clock and set appropriate Date/Time as per your timezone
2) Clear the Browser cache
3) Kill the browser settings and reset it to default state

By the way, the no of redirect vary depending on browser and are listed below:

  • Chrome 64bit version: 49, ↷ Version 62.0.3202.52 (Official Build) beta, 21 redirects
  • Chrome Canary 64bit, version: 49 ↷ 63.0.3239.6 (Official Build) canary, 21 redirects
  • Firefox 32-bit version: 43 ↷ 56.0, 20 redirects
  • Firefox 64-bit version: 43 ↷ 56.0, 20 redirects
  • IE version: 8 11 redirects via
  • IE version: 9 121 redirects via
  • IE version: 10 121 redirects via
  • IE version: 11.0.9600.18792 110 redirects
  • Opera version: 28, ↷ 48.0.2685.35 (PGO) 21 redirects
  • Safari version: 5.1.7, 16 redirects
  • Google Nexus 5, Samsung Galaxy S4..S8, Galaxy Tab 4, 21 redirects
The latest firefox version - Quantum supports up to 40 redirects.

Ref -